Welcome to this comprehensive introduction to spinal stenosis symptoms, a condition that can significantly impact one’s quality of life. Spinal stenosis is characterized by the narrowing of the spaces within the spine, leading to the compression of nerves and the spinal cord. This compression often gives rise to a variety of distressing symptoms, including chronic back pain, radiating pain down the arms or legs, tingling sensations, muscle weakness, and difficulties with balance and coordination. As we delve into this guide, we will explore these symptoms in depth, their potential causes, and the available treatment options to help individuals affected by spinal stenosis find relief and regain their comfort and mobility.
What is Spinal Stenosis?
Having spinal stenosis symptoms is not fun! It is a common condition that affects all kinds of people, especially older people. When spinal canal narrows is can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves.
But you want to know what makes the spine cord narrow, DON’T YOU!?!
It is time to dive into stenosis of the spine.
What Part of My Spine Can Be Stenotic?
Any part of your spine with a hole in it can be affected by spinal stenosis. IT can affect the neck (cervical spines) and the lower back (lumbar spinal).

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis?
Pain, weakness, and numbness are the main symptoms. If you have these symptoms, it probably means you have an issue with something pressing on your nerves.
These symptoms are not always a sign that you have stenosis. Different kinds of spine stenosis can cause different symptoms. Before we discuss options for this treatment, lets talk more about the causes!
What Are the Causes of Spinal Stenosis?
1) Degeneration
Have you ever heard of “Degenerative Disc Disease?” If you are a human and you have had an extra, you probably have it!
It is fairly common, actually. This can be one cause of spinal stenosis. Yay.
2) Herniated disc
The goopy stuff (nucleus pulpous) gets out side of where it belongs (annulus fibrosis) and pinches on your nerves. Ouch!
3) Bone Spurs
These little bone daggers are grow into the spinal canal, foramina, and pretty much any spec around your spine joints. Not Good!
4) Thickened Ligaments
Sometimes, things getting bigger can be good! This is not an example of that. You can avoid this by not getting old. Therefore, it is pretty much inevitable.
5) Congenital Factors
You are born with spinal stenosis. It is a bummer but it doesn’t always mean you will have problems!
6) Traumatic Injuries
Trauma such as a car wreck, blow to the head, or pretty much anything that causes you to move violently. These things can cause soft tissue, bone, and ligaments to react in a way that narrows your joints.
How to I Know if I Have Spinal Stenosis?
Great Question! Here are the main ways. I can write more blogs about this in the future, so I will be brief!
Talking about X-rays, MRI, CT scans and more!
Special Tests
A medical professional like a physical therapist, a doctor, or a chiropractor can check to see if you have it! Although it’s hard to tell for sure, they can at least tell you if you present with signs of spinal stenosis.

Can I Treat Spinal Stenosis?
Yes.. You can treat spinal stenosis with… well…
It can be treated in a variety of ways, BUT our favorite way is physical therapy!
Here are some of our more of our articles on back pain!
Click here for an article on the pelvic tilt exercise as a treatment!
Here is an article on the importance of good posture!
Also, look at this article on exercises for spine mobility!
Final Words on Spinal Stenosis
Take the first step towards pain resolution at Kinito Physical Therapy. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you in achieving optimal results and helping you regain your active lifestyle with spinal stenosis treatment.
Call us at 4056330783 or email us at contact@kinitopt.com.